Project Development

With more than twenty years of experience in the renewable sector, EMSL understands what it takes to deliver quality renewable projects and how to make them work.

EMSL’s experience is broad, having been involved in developing projects in sectors such as landfill gas, biomass, wind and solar, with a track record for delivery across technologies that made it a leader in the sector.

EMSL has a highly skilled and experienced team and a strong commitment to quality. This commitment extends to our contractors, consultants, clients and partners and we strive to deliver best-in-class assets and quality service.  EMSL has been highly successful in partnering with developers and investors working collaboratively to ensure the shortest possible delivery timeframe and the maximum financial return.

Our historical development experience, in combination with our Asset Management expertise, provides an unrivalled insight into the technical and commercial issues and how to solve the unsolvable. For combustion projects, we have experience in contracting and managing over 1.4 million tonnes of biomass and waste derived fuel and have put in place EPC arrangements and O&M arrangements for projects with a combined value of over £1 billion.

Currently we are supporting Eco2 Limited in a number of development activities including Eco2 Limited’s wind projects in the UK and biomass developments in North America.

  • Biomass

    Our experienced team has developed six biomass projects across the UK, from concept stage , to securing the full funding , and commencement of construction.

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  • Wind

    EMSL has extensive experience in developing and managing onshore wind assets, helping to produce enough renewable energy to power tens of thousands of homes.

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  • Solar

    The EMSL team has developed 46MW of solar capacity in the UK, and provided financial management on operational solar assets up to the point of sale.

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Key Contact

Dafydd Williams

Commercial Director

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Dafydd has managed a number of biomass projects in the Eco2 portfolio and was an integral part of the team that financed the Brigg, Margam and Port Clarence Biomass Projects. More recently Dafydd has been overseeing the wind asset management team.